7 Fabric Care Treatments To Make Your Clothes Better Than Ever

We often take for granted that, if we want to really make our clothes stand out, we’re going to need to use a quality laundry soap. Below, the people at Brooklinen have created a set of soaps, bleaches, and softeners to create the perfect fabric care for your different clothes. Let us know which is your favorite down below.

Starting with their signature laundry detergent, this non-toxic, eco-friendly, and all-natural detergent is great for fighting stains and helping make clothes cleaner and more appealing all from a single bottle. They are great for shirts, sheets, socks, and jeans while coming with an assortment of amazing scents and smells.

#1. The Laundress Signature Detergent

A complete set of their signature detergent along with an all-purpose bleach alternative, fabric conditioner, and fabric fresh spray. This combination is meant to be the one-stop shop for your entire cleaning process, all while making a natural scent that smells incredible.

#2. The Laundress Complete Care Bundle

Entirely plant-based, the Laundress Wool & Cashmere shampoo is 100% biodegradable that preserves and cleans wool, all without any need for dry cleaning. In addition to wool and cashmere options, it’s also a great for merino, making it a perfect luxury shampoo option.

#3. The Laundress Wool & Cashmere Shampoo

Meant to make your whites and your colors alike truly pop, this all-purpose bleach alternative really does what it sets out to do while offering an extra boost of cleanliness.

#4. The Laundress All-purpose Bleach Alternative

An entirely non-toxic spray that works to instantly freshen any room with a clean and laundry-like scent. It’s biodegradable, plant-based, and extremely versatile with just about anything it comes in contact with. Simply put, whether it’s your clothes or your room, you can have it smelling like lilies and sandalwood in no time.

#5. The Laundress Fabric Fresh Spray

If you are someone that really wants to make your clothes fluffier and softer, these non-toxic sheets are truly a sight for sore eyes.

#6. The Laundress Fabric Conditioner

Available in either white or black, the laundry hamper acts as most hampers are expected to. Where this option differs is in its durability, collapsible, and lightweight body, meaning it can go just about anywhere for any reason.

#7. Laundry Hamper